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grd文件用什么打开 grd

2023-08-25 19:47:22 来源:城市网


1、abbr. 地球物理研究管理局(Geophysics Research Directorate);接地探测器(Ground Detector)懂了吗?不懂的去下载一个《有道桌面词典》吧!我现在也可以给你个例句:To coordinate with GRD and get some related technical support;与GRD及内部相关部门沟通以得到必要的技术支持。

2、Objective:To investigate the relationship between gastroesophageal reflux disease(GRD) and reflux laryngitis.目的 :探讨胃食管反流病与反流性咽喉炎发生的关系。

3、This paper describes the principle, method, condition of GRD - ?Rapid Thermal Conductivity Unit for measuring core samples and the technique of sample making.本文论述了国产GRD—Ⅱ型快速导热仪测试岩心导热系数的原理、方法、条件和制样技术。


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